Training Provider Application
Thank you for your interest in becoming an approved Training Provider with CareerSource Heartland.
The Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) mandates that training services for adults and dislocated workers be provided through approved training providers.
WIOA emphasizes informed customer choice, system performance, and continuous improvement. CareerSource Heartland (CSH), in partnership with State entities, identifies training providers and programs whose measurable performance qualifies them to receive local WIOA funds.
The Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) is designed to assist individuals receiving WIOA services in finding training providers approved to receive WIOA funding for job training provided in-demand occupations.
For implementation to begin on July 1, 2022, applications must be submitted by March 15, 2022. However, Training Provider applications and programs can be submitted for consideration at any time. Programs submitted must be on the local area Demand Occupations List. Upon receipt of applications, CSH will review all information presented and compare it against the required criteria. If the Training Provider Agreement is approved or renewed, all submitted programs will be reviewed. Programs continuing to meet minimum requirements will be approved or renewed.
Training Providers will be notified of decisions on all programs submitted within ten (10) working days of the date of decisions.
General information:
- Training Providers may apply for approval in more than one Local Workforce Development Area (LWDA). Approval for one LWDA does not result in automatic approval in any other LWDAs. Although there are established federal and state standards for Training Provider eligibility, each of the 24 LWDAs may require additional criteria for use in determining local eligibility. Training Providers should follow the application process for each of the LWDAs they are interested in serving.
- Programs submitted must be on the local area Demand Occupations List.
- Training Providers must provide student-based information to the Florida Education Training and Placement Information Program (FETPIP).
- Full criteria for CSH Training Provider eligibility is outlined in the CSH policy- Individual Training Accounts, Training Provider, and Program Approval and Renewal.
- Training Providers that are currently approved by CSH to receive WIA or WIOA funds should complete the Continued Eligibility application.
- Training Providers who are new to CSH, or who are reapplying following the previous termination from the CSH ETPL, should complete the Initial Eligibility application.
For complete details, please refer to the CSH policy Individual Training Accounts, Training Provider, and Program Approval and Renewal.
All required application documents and reference materials are included below:

For Reference:
CSH Policy: Individual Training Accounts, Training Provider and Program Approval and Renewal Process
2023 – 2024 Regional Demand Occupations List (DOL)
2022 – 2023 Regional Demand Occupations List (DOL)
All documents may be submitted, including the documents requiring authorized signatures to the following:
CareerSource Heartland
Attention: Brian Mercurio
5901 US Hwy 27 S, Suite 1
Sebring FL 33870 – Get Directions
863-385-3672 ext 1317
fax 863-382-9067
If you should have any questions, please contact the above.