Tips and Strategies for a Successful Job Search Campaign

1. Know what you want to do and “who” you want to be
You wouldn’t believe the number of people who start their job search and begin sending out resumes when they have no idea what they want to do for a living. If you don’t know, then how is anyone else to know? You must be clear about your objectives – type of position, type of company, geographic preference – before you ever begin your search. If you’re uncertain about your career goals and job objectives, consider completing a few career assessments that will help you identify your top skills, motivators and career preferences. CareerSource Heartland can assist you in focusing on your objectives.

2. Write a powerful, accomplishment-oriented resume.
No fluff, no grandiose statements, just the facts – written in a hard-hitting presentation that sells your skills, qualifications, contributions and success. Be sure your resume is dynamic and focuses on the value you bring to an organization.
If you need assistance in writing that resume presentation, you can seek help from CareerSource Heartland career specialists. We offer classes on resume development. Check our website calendar for when these courses are offered in your area.

3. Making the Commitment—NETWORK!
You’ve heard it said over and over – there is no better way to find a new position than to contact everyone you know. More than 80% of all positions are filled through networking contacts. Are you working your network to your best advantage? And, are you reciprocating? Remember, networking is a two-way street. You do for them and they’ll do for you!

4. Practice your interviewing skills.
Your ability to interview well can “make or break” you in your job search. As such, be sure that you are well practiced, able to answer tough questions, and effective in communicating your skills and accomplishments. No matter how talented you are or how well written your resume, if you don’t interview well, you won’t get offers. If need be, utilize an interview coach to be sure that you can nail each and every interview – phone screening, in-person, panel, group or teleconference.
CareerSource Heartland can assist with your interview skills. We offer several interview skills classes as well as simulated mock interviews. Please see our website calendar for information as to when these offerings are available in DeSoto, Hardee, and Highlands counties.

5. Staying Motivated during your Job Search.
Job search can often be a frustrating experience. Most important, don’t go it alone. If you can, build a strong support network, which may include your family, friends, colleagues, mentors and others. These people will help keep your spirits lifted during the tough times, help you feel and act more confidently, and help move your entire job search along faster and more successfully. Keep your self-image positive. Don’t take rejections personally. Treat yourself with respect.
Make CareerSource Heartland part of your network. We are here to help assist you with career opportunities.

More Tips and Strategy Links
Download one of the following files for more tips:
Re-Entering the Workforce
Using the Internet in Your Job Search
Interview from the Interviewer’s Point of View