Local Demand Occupations List
Process and Request for Additions
The Local Demand Occupations List (DOL) is of great importance to our area's businesses and job seekers.
Its’ purpose is to help assure the most effective use of workforce development resources. When considering approval of funds for additional job training and education, Local Workforce Development Areas (LWDAs) may only spend workforce dollars on training in occupations that are listed on the current DOL.
Each year, Florida’s Workforce Estimating Conference – in accordance with Chapter 216.136 (7), F.S. – updates the State and LWDA Demand Occupations lists, based on a review of current economic conditions and labor market information. Occupations included on the lists meet specified wage rates and generally project a minimum of ten (10) job openings for the upcoming year. The list is generally limited to positions that require a two (2) year degree equivalent or less.
Only LWDAs may request changes to their Local DOL. Collaboration with local partners is imperative in ensuring that workforce dollars are targeted to support the actual needs of the businesses in the local area.
Upon receipt of the proposed DOL from CareerSource Florida (CSF), CareerSource Heartland (CSH) staff distributes a copy of the proposed list to CSH Business Enhancement Committee (BEC) members, local economic development and educational partners, and Chambers of Commerce representatives. Suggestions for changes are collected by CSH staff and presented to the CSH BEC. The BEC’s final recommendations are presented to the CSH Board of Directors for consideration and approval.
Requests for addition to the DOL may be made at any time. Requested additions will be presented to the CSH BEC, following the same process. To request the addition of an occupation to the list, please click on the link below. Please be certain to thoroughly complete all information. Additional documentation may be requested. Please complete a separate entry for each requested occupation.
Click here to submit a request for an addition to the CSH Local DOL. *Please see note below.
*(Please be aware that this form functions best using Internet Explorer, other browsers may not display or submit the content properly – in this case please download it and fill in using Acrobat Reader)
Thank you for your request. Someone from our organization will contact you soon for any additional information that may be required.